Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Best of the British

     British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. Over the years Britain’s cuisine has developed and been influenced by those who have come to settle in Britain. One dish that is an example of a hybrid dish in Britain now is the Anglo-Indian chicken tikka masala

     British dishes includes fish and chips, the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, and bangers andmash. The staple foods of Britain are meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter and eggs.
Bangers and mash are mashed potatoes with sausages and is a very popular dish in Britain and other places in the United Kingdom. Bubble and squeak is another popular dish in the United Kingdom. It is typically made from cold vegetables that have been left over from a previous meal, often the Sunday roast. The main ingredients are potato and cabbage, but carrots, peas, brussel sprouts, and other vegetables can be added. All of the ingredients are fried in a pan together with mashed potato until the mixture is well-cooked and brown on the sides. The name is a description of the action and sound made during the cooking process.
England is internationally famous for its fish and chips and has a large number of restaurants and take-away shops or what we call take out restaurants selling this dish. It may be the most popular and identifiable English dish. Before potatoes were imported from the Americas the 'chips' or French fries would have been sections of roasted root vegetables seasoned with herbs, and salty butter. In some regions fish and chips were served with a side order of mushy peas with salt and vinegar as condiments.

        A typical English breakfasts includes porridge, fish, bacon and eggs, toast and marmalade.
There is typically a mid-afternoon meal in the United Kingdom that most people call tea time. Among the most common dishes served at mid-afternoon tea are finger-foods like crumpets with jam and clotted cream, dainty watercress sandwiches, and scones with raisins or dried fruits.

    A typical Sunday dinner includes a meat item such as beef, lamb, pork or chicken and it is served with a potato and vegetable, and very often accompanied by Yorkshire pudding.

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